Dear all
Just a quick reminder that we start at 8.30 tomorrow and go straight through to 11.30 in our Christmas tournament!
Need a new ball? If so, you can pick one up for £5 tomorrow
We also will be selling our in-stock kit - some of it at end-o... [ Read more ]
Our fun, mixed-age, end of 2016 tournament is on Saturday 10th December. All ages arrive 8.30 please - finishes 11.30.
Dress up, bring cake and have fun!
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Please use the contact us form if you are interested in joining. We are now welcoming girls as early as Year 2 to join our "Kittens" High 5 sessions on Tuesdays, and can accommodate new members at all levels right through to Year 13.
Playing ne... [ Read more ]
Thanks for all those who attended, the AGM, Gala and Parents Match. Luckily there is no photographic evidence of the latter, but we do have some nice pictures of the girls competing in the photo gallery:
Gala Day Gallery [ Read more ]
 Sky Kites played fast, exciting netball to reach the final of the U11 Newbury Tournament. Loosing in the final was disappointing, but Woodleigh played fantastic netball and proved the stronger team. Take heart this was our first outing away from Oxfo... [ Read more ]
 Girls school years 2,3,4 and 5 are welcome to come along free to our open netball sessions on every Tuesday in June 2016
5.00-6.25 Kidlington and Gosford Leisure Centre Sports Hall
See Tess Horn when you arrive
No experience needed, turn up with tra... [ Read more ]
U12 Tournament Results
Congratulations to Sky Kites who won the Plate competition in the U12 summer tournament. Delta Kites also did well to get to the semi-finals of the same competition and our young Rockets Kites squad did themselves proud playi... [ Read more ]
The Kittens part of Kidlington Kites are our primary school age group who meet to train on Tuesday evenings.
If you'd like to try netball why not come along to our OPEN SESSION on Tuesday 24th May 5pm - 6.30pm and see if you like it!
In fact, ... [ Read more ]
 There are now three Oxfordshire Netball Youth Camps confirmed and ready to book!
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