Join our Club!

Membership Forms

We have capacity at all ages current from year 5 to year 11.

If you are interested in joining please contact the Membership Secretary with details of your child's name and age.  We will provide details and you can have up to 3 taster sessions before deciding whether to join, after which the full year or termly fee applies.  We are a community club and welcome players of all levels of development.  

We have teams competing in the Sunday Oxford Junior Netball League (U13, U15) and Monday Evening U17 league.   All matches are outdoors at Central Venue, Marsh Lane, Marston, Oxford.   If your daughter is keen to play competitively we ask for a commitment to be available for most matches.  Entry to the club is not selective - we develop all players regardless of their level of experience via training and match play, and welcome both social and competitive players.   

All prospective members need to complete the Club Information Form.  

On joining you will need to pay our annual club membership and affiliate via 
England Netball

For 2024-2025, the annual fee will be £100 plus England Netball affiliation cost (which varies by age)

  Club Information Form       

Tabbed Content
  • Essentials for Parents
  • Essentials for Girls
  • Club Ethos & Expectations
  • Oxfordshire Netball Code of Conduct

Parents must complete a Club Information Form prior to participation, which includes medical consent in the event of injury or illness and permission for digital images to be used during participation in netball only.

  • Complete an England Netball Affiliation FormPay fees in a timely manner when asked
  • Inform the Lead Coach of any special physical or learning requirements that will help in the delivery of positive sessions for your daughter.
  • Know your club Safeguarding Officerand how to contact her if you are worried about any aspect of the club.
  • Visit England Netball website, read and agree to The Parents and Carers Code of Conduct

U11 parents and carers ensure your daughters’ hair is tied back, nails are short and smooth and all jewellery is taken off for training sessions and matches. To minimise the possibility of injury trainers should cradle the foot and has sufficient grip on the soles to create friction on a wooden floor surface. The club encourages over 11’s to take responsibility for ensuring they are ready to participate

  • Love playing netball
  • Wear supportive, laced up trainers to minimise the possibility of injury.
  • Have hair tied back and all jewellery off for training sessions and matches
  • Have smooth short nails to minimise injury to yourself and others.
  • Affiliate to England Netball and abide by the Players Code of Conduct
  • Know your club Safeguarding Officer and how to contact her if you are worried about anything at netball (or outside netball) or contact England Netball using a confidential e-mail: or Child Line: 0800 1111 or NSPCC Help Line: 0808 800 5000
  • Tell the coach if you are unwell or injured

Team sport provides a unique opportunity for girls to experience the complexities of developing and enjoying themselves as individuals while working for the benefit of others, and sometimes being altruistic.

We ask that our members, players, coaches and umpires take part in the club activities with these thoughts:

  • Love netball, be strong and be sporting
  • Make an effort in training and matches for yourself, your team and the club
  • Analyse your contribution, think about what will help you and your team develop; and avoid self criticism.
  • Allow your team mates to play and develop their netball in a supportive environment, free from fear of criticism.

As a player in an Oxfordshire club, the club on the players behalf undertake: 

to aim always to improve my fitness, skill and game play 
to learn the rules of netball and play by the spirit of the game 
to treat fellow team members, coaches, umpires and opponents with respect
to remember that umpires are there to interpret the rules and therefore to respect their decisions 
never to use inappropriate or insulting language to other players, coaches umpires or spectators at my club, at matches or on social networks. 
never to engage in rough, physical or inappropriate behaviour
to report to my club and to the ONDB any unacceptable language or behaviour I witness at the club or in matches 
to be aware of the leagues policies and rules 
to accept any sanctions applied if I break this code 