Kites Netball Club News story

Saturday 29th June - Club Gala and AGM

20 Jun 2024

Dear all,

Our gala day is fast approaching!  For those new to Kites this year, the gala is where we create teams of mixed ages for a fun tournament, with the older girls acting as team captains and looking after the younger players in the team.   

Start time is 9am and we play lots of short matches, then break for our AGM at 11am, which we invite you all to attend.  (NB - please come in your trainers if you want to take part in our traditional Parents Match)  We then finish with our playoffs to decide the winning team.   It's important girls have plenty of water with them, and we always welcome a few cake donations to power us all through the morning :)   If you can't make the full session for any reason you are still welcome and we'll slot you in.

Please find attached timings for the Gala Day, the AGM agenda, and the Annual Report.  The Finance Report will follow later this week.    We'll run through these at the AGM.   Unfortunately we anticipate considerable cost increase next year. Although we will continue to subsidize the cost of membership, we need to increase the annual Club Fee to £100.  If you have any concerns, please speak to one of the coaches in confidence.

As noted in the report, all the coaches are volunteers and it's quite a lot of time and administration.   If you can give us some support through helping a team regularly on a Sunday, helping administration on our website, or picking up a committee role such as Membership Secretary - please talk to us! 

We hope to see lots of you on this fun morning of netball.  This will be our last session before we break for the summer and return in September. 

Best regards

Cat, Rob, Brioney and Chloe


